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Who's CominG?

Take a look to see who will be there.  Don't miss out!  

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2010 - Present

Camille Allen

Elizabeth Bateman

Sam Bowie

Emilie Joe Brandt

Margo Childs

Savannah Fitzgerald

Lizzy Fristoe

Virginia Fruechtenicht

Caroline Henry

Krista Hilmas

Maddie Lyons

Margo Lyons

Grace McCarthy

Emma McCarthy

Nancy Mannon

Sydney Mannon

Grace Mears

Madeleine Mears

Amy Meiers - Parent

Maggie Meiers

Olivia Myers

Libby Poland

Shelton Quantz

Hannah Schafer

Olivia Stewart

Anna Carson Tyner

Ella Welsh

Melissa Williams - camp nurse


Amberly Kelley-Dotson

Molly Gray

Ashley Hilmas

Hannah Peay

Ann Robertson

Dale Swift

Erica Hilmas Tucker

Leslie Vandegrift

Juila Schifani Whitworth

Sara (Coub) Yacoubian




Elizabeth Hightower Allen

Scottie Hill Belfi

Virginia (Ginger) Thackston Brandt

Jackie Friend Citerony

Joy Haddock Davis

Becca Peay Etherudge

Georgia Thackston Fruechtenicht

Lana Garner

Molly Williams Goidel

Anna Williams Hunt

Catherine Owens Lippman

Chantal (Chanie) Coogan Lundberg

Holly Brinkley Lyons

Marie-Claire Stahl Mears

Cate Nance

Laura Halle Nunnally

Carrie Whitman O'Connor

Nonnie Thompson Preuss

Dodson Randolph

Suzanne Burns Revelle

Emelie Burns Rountree

Elizabeth (PeWee) Stahel

Lara Garner Shane

Elizabeth Sherrill

DeSaix Brinkley St Charles

Rebecca Peroyea Stewart

Anne Hightower Trainer

Julie Welsh

Carrie O'Connor Whitman

Kendall Williams

Natalie Danielle Zellner


Mary Stewart Smallpage Bailey

Aimee Favrot Bell

Erin Burks

Leigh Major Conley

Polly Handrahan

Claudia Alexander Haney

Tina Hamm Hilmas

Janie Entrekin Hughart

Coco Evans Judd

Cathy Polk Macadam

Craig Dickerson Nash

Lynne Farrar Robertson

Scott Canale Sellers

Gee Loeb Sharp

Caroline Jones Silva


1960's - 1970's

Sue Haaga Craig

Virginia Donelson Curry

Cile Farrar Crouch

Helen Johnson Donelson

Jeanne Dutel

Barbara Suggs Grannan

Marietta Canale Haaga

Susan Handly Hammer

Milly Donelson Huffman

Suzanne Dutel Jackson

Pam Macy Letellier

Margaret Milnor Mallory

Eloise Black Morris

Lawrie Canale Peyton

Penny Andrews Pigman

Adelaide Farrar Pratt

Ashley Moore Remmers

Anne Hughes Sayle

Scott Canale Sellers

Burdett Stilwell

Ginny Tacker

Emily Cate Tidwell

Trish Todd

Boo Black Whitham

1950's - 1960's

Lee Russell Brown

Tina Lentz Carpenter

Jane Hughes Coble

Kathleen Crighton

Margot Everhart

Debbi Schwartz

Lynn Perry Young

Join our Riva-Lake Family!

 For more information, please contact us.


Camp Riva-Lake

1281 Riva Lake Road

Winchester, TN  37398


© 2025 Camp Riva-Lake
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